08 Mar 2023 - 10 Mar 2023
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
About The Event

The Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) invites you to nominate your Directors, Line Managers/Senior Managers, Legal and HR Practitioners, Staff Supervisors to its premier training on Discipline management at the Workplace. This is a unique  Physical Workshop which will emphasize on application of disciplinary principles and procedures at the workplace. A sitting Judge from the Employment & Labour Relations Court will be the Chief Speaker at the Physical Workshop in Gilgil.

3-Day Physical Workshop (6 CPD Points)

This will be Practical Guide to Application of the Disciplinary Principles and Procedures at the Workplace. It will be learning by doing entailing:

  • Case Studies
  • Role Plays
  • Simulations of selected disciplinary cases at the workplace.
  • Peer to peer learning sessions
  • Personalized feedback

Date:               08th – 10th March 2022

Venue:            Lake Elementaita Lodge, Gilgil

Charges:          Ksh60,000 + VAT For FKE Members and Ksh90,000 + VAT for Non-Members. (The charges do not cover the delegates travel costs and accommodation).

Special Rate for both the virtual and physical components is Ksh70,000 + VAT for FKE members and Ksh100,000 + VAT for non-members.

This course is the answer to all your questions and struggles on Discipline management at the workplace. Register and learn from the practitioners who set the policy and practices in the labour sector. Do not miss out!  

To register or nominate staff kindly download, fill and send back the Nomination Form which can be accessed through: ​docx icon FKE Nomination Form - Discipline Management at the Workplace Quarter 1 February - March 2023 (1).docx

You can also access our L&D Calendar for 2023 through:

NB:  FKE Training programs are NITA approved (NITA/TRN/81/VOL.1 (20b), hence sponsoring organizations can claim reimbursement as per NITA guidelines.