About The Event
Disputes are bound to arise in relationships, including employment relationships between employers and employees or any other party.
Sustaining relationships after a dispute is critical but highly determined by how the disputes are resolved.
Progressively, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms are gaining currency over litigation. Mediation is one of the key methods that lead to Win-Win solutions, reconciling differences and promoting harmony between the parties. The Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) invites corporates, HR Professionals, Employee Relations specialists, and other professionals interested in enhancing their conflict resolution skills a 3-day intensive workshop on ‘Mediation in Dispute Resolution’ as per the details below.
Date: 24th – 26th September 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. daily.
Venue: Eton Hotel, THIKA.
Charges are Ksh65,000 + VAT for FKE members and Ksh70,000 + VAT for non-members. The fee does not include travel and accommodation costs.
Please note that this workshop is approved by NITA and hence you may seek reimbursement as per their guidelines.
The workshop will also attract 4 CPD points from IHRM.
For any further clarification, please write to Eric on emunyobi@fke-kenya.org or WhatsApp him on 0712373584.